Since we offer each of our new customers a free 14 day trial within which to satisfy themselves that Musiah works on their computer or iPad, and that it otherwise meets their needs, we have a no refund policy.
Further, if your account has a credit balance (e.g. resulting from downgrading plans), this will not be paid to you as a refund. Account credits may only be used as offsets against your subscription fees.
As there is only a very limited range of things that can go wrong with the Musiah software, it would be very rare for Musiah not to run as intended on your computer IF you provide a PC / Mac or iPad that is in good working order and meets the minimum system requirements and a MIDI keyboard in good working order.
Having said that, if you do experience issues (whether during or after the 14 day trial), please do NOT assume it is a fault of the software but rather a performance/technical issue at your end — which we are more than happy (within reason) to assist you to diagnose and hopefully solve.
Performance issues can be caused by a number of factors at your end that are beyond our control such as: you may have a virus, you may be running too many programs in the background, your hard drive may need to be de-fragmented, you may have a faulty usb port or other hardware fault, etc.
If you would like to request assistance with a technical issue, please feel free to contact us directly.
© 2025 Virtuoso Trust.
The word "Musiah" and the Musiah® logo are trademarks of Virtuoso Trust.