If you are having difficulty accessing the lessons, the first thing to check is whether you are trying to access the lessons by logging in to the website at www.musiah.com? If yes, this is the issue.
Note: You only need to access the customer login area of the website when you first download / install the software.
Once the software has been installed, to access the lessons, you simply need to start the Musiah application on your computer / iPad.
Visit www.musiah.com and login to your Musiah account by clicking 'Login' in the top right corner of any page on the site.
Inside the customer login area, click the 'Downloads' tab and you'll see options to download Musiah for PC, Mac or iPad. Download the appropriate version of the app for your computer or iPad.
Install the app (Windows and Mac Users are encouraged to refer to the Software Installation Instructions beneath the Download buttons).
Start the app on your device and you'll see a screen to login to the app (as opposed to the website).
Here, enter your email address and your Musiah account password. Then place a check in the "remember my details" checkbox so you won't have to enter these details each time you start the app.
Note: Just to be super clear... Musiah is a stand-alone app. It does not run in a browser. Once you have installed the app, lessons are accessed through the app, not via the website).
WIndows Users:
Start the application by double clicking the Musiah 'M' icon on your Windows desktop. If you cannot see the Musiah 'M' Icon, please search for the Musiah program within Windows and then start it.
Mac Users:
Launch the Musiah application from the launchpad or from the Applications folder.
iPad Users:
Simply tap the Musiah 'M' icon to start the app.
Hopefully, the above tips will resolve any difficulty are may be experiencing accessing the lessons, but if not, please don't hesitate to let us know by contacting us and we'll be glad to assist you further as needed.
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The word "Musiah" and the Musiah® logo are trademarks of Virtuoso Trust.